
Five £20 things you can do today to improve your health

That age-old saying about Health is Wealth? Seems so much truer now, especially with the Coronavirus threat looming large over us, doesn’t it? At GogoDoc, we believe good health is an ongoing practice, so we rounded up 5 simple things you can start doing today to take care of your priceless commodity. Bonus? they’re all £20 or below!

1. Eat More Veg – Subscribe to a Veg Box

This one’s a no-brainer – vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and the greener and leafier they are, the better. And it doesn’t always have to be boring salads, there’s a whole world outside of lettuce and kale!

Picking out your own veg in the grocery store can be fun (or a chore, depending) but if you can’t find the time to do that, how about a delivery service? Sign up for one so you can get your veg without lifting a finger. Better yet, subscribe to one of those veg boxes that will send you an assortment of vegetables every week (£13 onwards). No trips to the grocery store, and lots of fun trying new dishes with new vegetables!

2. Drink More Water – Fill Up a Reusable Bottle

Hydration is good lubrication – it keeps the internal systems running smoothly, delivers nutrients to the cells, and improves the overall look and function of the body. But it’s not as easy to meet the 8-glass limit either because we’re too busy to stop and have a drink of water, or because it’s not as accessible.

Solution? Get yourself a reusable water bottle (£17 and up in stores and online). Glass or metal ones with good design and added features will not only help you keep the environment safe from plastic, but be handy when you need to drink water through the day and eventually, easy on your pocket too.

3. Don’t Skip Breakfast – Buy a Blender

Need we really explain this one? We get it, we all have busy lives, and who has time for a full English breakfast? We’re lucky if we manage a piece of toast!

But here’s an easy way to eat breakfast (or rather drink it) and get a serving of fruits in too – the smoothie! This wonder drink is a 5-minute ‘cook’ time because you’re basically just throwing a bunch of things into a blender. Get a smoothie maker/blender (£20 on Amazon) and make your breakfast just the way you like it (there are a million smoothie recipes out there) – best part? you can drink it on-the-go if you don’t have time.

4. Move Your Body – Take a fitness class

Even a 30 second movement in the body can help change your mood – so shouldn’t we all try to move a bit more? And yes, that annual gym membership seems daunting, both from a time and money perspective, and not all of us are made for lifting deadweights.

So why not try a gym pass or activity pass for specific workout classes? With subscription services like GymPass and ClassPass out there (£15 – £20) , it’s easier to find a gym near you and try a workout you’ve never tried before. You never know, you might find yourself hooked to that HIIT workout, or become a Pilates pro soon enough!

5. Get a health checkup – GogoDoc TeleMedicine

The best way to improve your health is to monitor it and make changes as necessary. And yes, we know GP wait times are a pain, so how about going the telemedicine route? Get on the phone or a video call with a GP and get your health checked. Talk about issues you’re having or ask for tips, get referrals and prescriptions.

Simply download the GogoDoc app, and book a telephone or video consultation for £20 ! Talk to a real GP the same day (sometimes WITHIN THE HOUR) and get your concerns addressed. After all, your health is the most important thing in the world, so why wait to work on it?

Which of these tips are you going to be taking up? Leave us a comment below 🙂

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