
Do you have a really bad headache? Could it be a Migraine? Not quite sure what to do? Let us help.
Here’s some information about Back Pain and what our qualified GPs can offer to you!

What is a Migraine?

A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head.Many people also have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity to light or sound.Migraine is a common health condition, affecting around one in every five women and around one in every 15 men. They usually begin in early adulthood.
There are several types of migraine, including:

  • Migraine with aura – where there are specific warning signs such as seeing flashing lights.
  • Migraine without aura – the most common type, where the migraine occurs without the specific warning signs.
  • Headache-less migraine  also known as silent migraine – where an aura or other migraine symptoms are experienced without headaches





During an attack, many people find that sleeping or lying in a darkened room helps relieve the symptoms to some extent. 


The exact cause of migraines is unknown, although they’re thought to be the result of temporary changes in the chemicals, nerves and blood vessels in the brain.
Around half of all people who experience migraines also have a close relative with the condition, suggesting that genes may play a role.
Some people find migraine attacks are associated with certain triggers, which can include:

  • Starting their period
  • Stress
  • Tiredness
  • Certain foods or drinks



There’s no cure for migraines, but a number of treatments are available to help reduce the symptoms.
These include:

  • Painkillers – including over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Triptans – medications that can help reverse the changes in the brain that may cause migraines
  • Anti-emetics – medications often used to reduce nausea and vomiting

Although, simple painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be effective for migraine you should be careful not to take too many painkillers.

When should you see a GP?

You should see your GP if you have severe migraine symptoms. You should also make an appointment to see your GP if you have frequent migraines (on more than five days a month), even if they can be controlled with medication, as you may benefit from preventative treatment.
You should call 999 for an ambulance immediately if you or someone you’re with experiences:

  • Paralysis or weakness in one or both arms and/or one side of the face
  • Slurred or garbled speech
  • A sudden agonising headache resulting in a blinding pain unlike anything experienced before
  • Headache along with a high temperature (fever), stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, double vision and a rash

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You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home, office, gym or where ever you may be, our highly experienced GP’s will come straight to you. Currently between zones 1 to 4.