
Fit to Fly Certification

Due to the prevailing pandemic situation, most of the countries and airlines have enforced travelling restrictions on those who are travelling from different countries, states, and regions. These restrictions are critical in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Passengers have their reasons to migrate from country to country. For example:Travelling for family emergencies, students who are residential and non-residential  willing to return to their home countries.

For these kind of reasons, Gogodoc is providing a fit-to-fly certificate for those who require travelling during this pandemic situation.

Normally, when you are having health-related issues, your airline requires a fit-to-fly certificate to know that you are in good health to fly and that it would not be a risk for you and for those who have you on the plane.

Air travel is normally not allowed in the following cases;

  • If you have undergone any recent brain surgery
  • Recent eye operations
  • Recent heart attacks
  • Severe chronic respiratory disease
  • Recent gastrointestinal surgery
  • Recent abdominal trauma
  • Recent stroke
  • Any active infectious disease
  • Increased intracranial pressure

When is fit to fly certificate necessary?

A fit to fly certificate is necessary to confirm to airlines that you are in good health conditions to fly. This health certificate must state that the passenger is “fit-to-fly”

The Fit to Fly certificate can also help ensure any discomfort caused by your illness or injury during the flight is kept to a minimum. The certificate also helps any nervous flyers, by making sure you know you’re safe to travel.

All Fit-To-Travel certificates are signed by the doctor on letter headed paper with the consulting doctors GMC registration details. These are sent to you via email.

Book a telephone appointment online for a time slot that suits you. If you have a PCR Covid-19 test result, kindly email to hi@gogodoc.com in time for your appointment.

If deemed appropriate, a Fit-To-Fly Certificate will be processed by the Doctor and this will be emailed to you on the same day, upon payment.

Gogodoc now provides an educational series of information on Fit-To-Fly (*intended for educational purposes only). If you are in need of FTF certification, please reach out to book an appointment via our Gogodoc app.

Book a telephone consultation today and get expert advice!

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