

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical treatment. This method is certainly done by inserting hair thin needles on specific points of the body in order to treat different kind of pain and health conditions.

Studies have proved that acupuncture is an effective treatment to treat for sicknesses such as:

  • Low- back pain
  • Asthma
  • Osteoarthritis / Knee pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Myofascial pain
  • Carpet tunnel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neck pain
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Headaches
  • Dental pain after surgery
  • Nausea caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy

Studies suggest that, acupuncture helps to reduce chronic pain such as; Low- back pain, Neck pain, Headaches and Knee pains specially.

It is also used in treating other Musculo skeletal and pain conditions such as;

  • Dental pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Joint pain
  • Post-operative pain

How Acupuncture is used

  • Not everyone needs to undergo acupuncture treatment.
  • Usually an acupuncture process lasts for 20 minutes to 1 hour.
  • The needles that are used in acupuncture are very thin and are usually a few centimeters long
  • These needles are used only once, which is pre-sterilized needles that are disposed immediately after use.
  • Specific points are used by the acupuncture practitioners according to the health conditions.
  • The needles are inserted under the skin or may be deeper, so they reach the muscle. Once the needles are placed, the position for a length of time lasts for around 30 minutes.
  • Normally, while inserting these needles you should not feel any significant pain. If you experience such a pain you should let your practitioner know about it immediately.
  • Acupuncture is generally very safe, rarely some experience short-term side effects such as;
  • Drowsiness
  • Feeling dizzy/faint
  • Pre-existing symptoms getting worser
  • Bleeding where the needles puncture the skin
  • Pain where the needles puncture the skin

If you are pregnant or having any mental allergy or infections, then you should talk to your GP before you have acupuncture.

‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with GP.

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