April 26, 2020 by Community Manager 0 Comments

Using this time wisely – 5 self-improvement things to do indoors

We’ve been given a gift, amidst all the chaos around us – that gift is time – and tons of it. So how can we best use this time to add a few good habits to our schedule? Read below.

Home Workouts

No access to the gym doesn’t mean no fitness. Use what you have and invest time in home workouts. Get an app that offers online classes, or watch youtube videos that make it interesting and fun for you. The endorphins after exercising are sure to help you get through these times!


Audio, digital, hard copy. There are more choices today than ever before. Reading can be incredibly helpful in accumulating knowledge, broadening perspectives and just letting that brain consume relevant and mindful content. Explore a favourite genre, or dip your toes into a new one. Listen to a good story, or go the non-fiction route and pick up a good habit!


Sitting still sounds hard, eh? But meditation is one of the easiest ways to bring some mindfulness into your life and reduce stress. Think of it like a reset button. Start with guided meditation if you’re new to the practice – there are plenty of apps on the market – and just 5 minutes! You can build it up as you go.


Marie Kondo your flat. Okay, maybe not that intense, but some kind of organization is good. Organizing, even just moving things around, is supposed to help calm the mind. It will also show you how many things you’ve bought thinking you would use them but have barely touched!

Cooking Your Own Meals

Survival 101 right there – knowing how to make sustenance. Now may be the time to check out those youtube videos, or that old cookbook you forgot you paid for. Knowing what you are putting into your body, will help you differentiate between flavour and junk and nudge you in the right direction. Not an expert cook? Start with some help – get meal kits, or start with making portions of a larger meal (eg., buy the sauce, make the pasta).

So tell us – what forms of self-improvement have worked best for you?

March 22, 2020 by Community Manager 0 Comments

What to do if you think you may have the Coronavirus

It’s a pandemic, we are hearing and reading about it everyday on the news. A friend of a friend of a friend has it. And now you think you have it too – because you coughed that one time.

Don’t Panic. Take a deep breath, and let’s look at what to do if you think you have the dreaded Coronavirus.


COVID-19 Symptoms

The coronavirus causes COVID-19, which is a respiratory illness very similar to the cold and the flu. The initial symptoms are a high temperature and cough. Other, more intense symptoms might be a shortness of breath.

Just a cough by itself may not be cause for alarm here – have you travelled to a country with COVID-19 cases or come into close contact with them? Is the cough new or have you always had one from allergies etc. Did you go to a crowded place or did you come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus?


When to Take the Test

Okay, you think your symptoms mimic the virus – the first instinct is to go see your GP and get a test done. However, the latest directive from NHS says that you do not need to visit a GP, pharmacy, or hospital. All they want you to do is to stay put, at home (also called self-isolation) for at least 7 days. In most healthy individuals, the COVID-19 will exhibit symptoms and be gone within that time-frame, very much like the common cold. You are only advised to call the NHS 111 helpline if you are unable to manage the symptoms on your own, or if the condition worsens. The NHS will then appropriately guide you on next steps.


Self and Social Isolation

If you think you have COVID-19 symptoms, self-isolate for 7 days. Do not meet with anyone, try not to travel outside unless absolutely essential, wear a face mask or cover your mouth with your sleeve (or a tissue) if you do have to be outside, and wait for the illness to subside.

Anyone who has come in contact with you should also practise self-isolation for 14 days (from the day they met you and you had symptoms) to avoid being carriers of the disease.

Even if you don’t have the virus, it is best to consider social distancing and avoid crowded places where you might pick up the virus. Remember to wash your hands frequently, and with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap is not available) and avoid touching your face, to minimize the risk of being infected.

If you are still unsure and would like some expert opinion and guidance on your case, schedule an online consultation with a qualified GP. Book a phone/video doctor consultation with Gogodoc and get all your questions answered right away. Whatever the case, stay indoors, wash your hands, and let’s ride this out.


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