
Our practice is committed to providing the best of care and listening to what our patients want. We review all the comments you make and we use that information to improve our services and facilities even further.
Whatever you want to say, your opinions and comments are important to us.
If you want to complain
If you are unhappy with our facilities or service we want to know about it as soon as possible. We will then investigate the situation so that we can respond and take positive action where necessary. If you tell us as soon as the problem arises, it can often be addressed straightaway. Either the partners or other member of staff will be happy to help.
If you are not completely satisfied you may put your comments in writing.
We take all comments and complaints seriously.
We always:

  • pass on any praise to the people concerned
  • handle complaints in complete confidence 
  • investigate impartially
  • offer a clear and complete explanation

Write to us
The partners, registered manager and practice manager are responsible for the day-to-day running of the practice and in the best position to investigate any complaint thoroughly and promptly. You can make a complaint by emailing us at complaints@gogodoc.com
Getting back to you
Acknowledgments will be sent within 48 hours of receiving the complaint. We will then reply in full as promptly as we can – usually within 20 working days. If the investigation is still going on after 20 days we will write to explain the delay. In very complex cases, which may take more time, we will send you regular progress reports. We may suggest meeting you to talk through your issues and attempt to resolve them.
An independent review
If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to take your complaint to independent external adjudication. This process should be followed once you have been through the practices complaints policy. If we have been unable to resolve your complaint, this process will be fully explained in a letter from [ insert name].
As an alternative, you can complain directly to the Care Quality Commission, details below (regulator for hospitals in England) but the commission may decide that the complaint should be considered at practice level first and return it to us for action.
Care Quality Commission
Finsbury Tower
103 – 105 Bunhill Row
Tel: 0300 061 6161