GP Fit To Fly Health Certificate

Are you looking to travel for a holiday and need a Fit to Fly certificate? Book your Fit to Fly letter Consultation today with Gogodoc.

*Following your consultation, the doctor will prepare your certificate and you will be invoiced £35 for the certificate which will be emailed to you.

fit to fly certificate

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Examples are:

Severe chest pain, Difficulty breathing, Active or severe bleeding, Loss of consciousness, Slurred speech, Facial Drooping, Inability to move an arm or leg, Acute confused state, Fits/seizures, Major trauma, A rash that doesn’t disappear under a glass tumbler being pressed against it, Possible stroke or heart attack, Swallowing a foreign object such as a battery, Sudden loss of vision or hearing.

Please note, a set time is not guaranteed for your home visit. The booking will be arranged according to the doctors availability!

fit to flight certificate

"Our experienced GPs are here to help and we’ll be more than happy to assist you with this. We can provide same-day appointments at our Harley Street Clinic (or via online consultation) to make sure your travel goes according to plan. You will just need a consultation by a GP, who can then declare you are fit to fly. The doctor will then write the letter, officially stamping and signing it. All FTF certificates are signed by the doctor on letter headed paper with the consulting doctors GMC registration details."

What Is a Fit to Fly Health Certificate?

A standard Fit to Fly Health Certificate (or FTF Certificate) is a document signed by a GP stating that your pre-existing medical conditions won’t pose a health risk to you whilst flying. In order to receive a FTF Certificate, you must first be assessed by a doctor.

Get Your Fit to Fly Health Certificate UK

Our GMC-registered doctors provide same-day Fit To Fly Health Certificates. Book a telephone consultation for just £55 or video consultation at just £70. Following your consultation, the doctor will prepare your certificate and you will be invoiced £35 for the certificate which will be emailed to you

Once the payment has been made your certificate will be emailed to you.

*If the doctor cannot get through to you, they will always try again several times during your chosen booking window. Please rest assured, your certificate will be ready same day as your appointment.

Please note it is your responsibility to check the individual travel requirements with the airline and/or embassy. Please check whether you need a Covid-19 test and the time the certificate needs to be dated and book accordingly.

Our clinic does not provide PCR COVID-19 testing. Our certificates are a statement of fact. If you have a PCR Covid-19 test result, please kindly email these to in time for your appointment.

Why choose Gogodoc Fit to Fly Consultation

- Our GMC Registered Doctors Provide Same Day Fit To Fly Health Certificates!

A 15-minute Medical Assessment/Consultation and certificate

- Guaranteed same-day certificate for all holiday and travel services (accepted by airlines)

- Regulated by Care Quality Commission

- Receive a full refund if our GPs can’t provide a required certificate

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