February 23, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

What is Anxiety?

“I still get nauseous the day before and have weeks of incredible anxiety” – Joaquin Phoenix, on his role as the Joker

Everyone is familiar with what anxiety feels like. It’s the physical and mental uneasiness you feel just before an exam, a date, an interview or a speech. It can manifest in different ways for different people; for some it’s a short-lived fight-or-flight response but for others it has become a part of daily life, floating in the background. What this means is that anxiety is healthy, and sometimes beneficial, but when it lingers and limits us it can be an unwanted anchor that is as damaging as any physically-impairing condition [1]. 

Not only can it cause psychological stress, but it can also reveal itself in physical signs [2]:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Increased heart rate or palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tremor 

It’s no surprise, then, that anxiety and fear are closely related: both are emotions and a response to a real or perceived imminent threat. However, fear is generally described as a response to a short-term threat and specific to a trigger that you would rationally consider to be hostile (take the classic example of a lion chasing the nomadic hunter). On the other hand, anxiety is this reaction but stretched out – it can be a response to a vague threat in the future that may or may not happen, and the thought of escaping that threat can be as vague as the threat itself [3]. 

What are some causes of anxiety?

Aside from some obvious psychological causes, there are 2 you should consider:


  • Coffee – A common culprit people find is caffeine – it doesn’t just keep you awake. It can also put your alertness into overdrive causing undue stress [4]
  • Skipping meals, not drinking enough water or not eating fruits/vegetables – can cause your body to stress about the next meal and that dip in blood sugar or electrolytes can be the first domino in a chain of reactions

Vitamin or mineral deficiency

Vitamin B6 and Iron deficiency – this is surprisingly common. It’s especially common in pre-menopausal women, pregnant women or those who bleed more often (e.g. haemophilia). These two nutrients play an important role in regulating the production of neurotransmitters in your brain, such as serotonin, which is more commonly associated with low mood. These vitamins are also involved in the production of red blood cells so a deficiency will lead to anaemia, which can present in a very similar way to anxiety [5].

Folic acid – like some of the B vitamins, folic acid is involved in the promotion of neurotransmitter release and can lead to mood disorders and anxiety. A significant number of people have mutations in their MTHFR gene, a gene commonly screened in genetic tests for mental health, that leads to abnormal metabolism of folic acid [6]. In this subset of people, a therapeutic option is the supplementation of L-methylfolate. 


Anxiety and fear are closely related in that they are both emotions and a response to a threat. However, anxiety can sometimes take over your life and there are some simple ways to fix that. One such example is through a blood test to screen for deficiencies. 

For more information and advice please book  a consultation with one of our GPs today: www.gogodoc.com


[1] https://oxfordmedicine.com/view/10.1093/9780195173642.001.0001/med-9780195173642-chapter-10 

[2] https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/symptoms/ 

[3] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/science-choice/201812/anxiety-vs-fear 

[4] https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/causes/ 

[5] https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-11727/are-vitamins-triggering-your-anxiety.html 

[6] https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/gene/mthfr/ 

February 23, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

Prostate Gland

What is the prostate gland and what does it do?

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and is anatomically located immediately below the bladder and in front of the rectum (see diagram below). A typical adult prostate is around the shape and size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that runs through the penis and provides a route for urine and semen to leave the body.

The prostate gland is responsible for producing a fluid that nourishes, lubricates and protects the sperm cells found in the semen. The prostate gland’s activity is regulated primarily by a male hormone known as testosterone which is produced in the testes.  

What happens to the prostate as I get older?

As you get older, the cells in the prostate multiply, causing the prostate to enlarge. The most common cause of prostate enlargement is referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The exact cause of BPH is unknown, but is thought to be due to a hormonal imbalance that men experience as they age.

Furthermore, BPH is not uncommon. According to information from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 40% of men over 50 years old and 90% of men over 80 have BPH.

What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

As the prostate enlarges, it begins to gradually compress the urethra and restrict urine flow from the bladder, which leads to a set of symptoms referred to as lower urinary tract symptoms or LUTS for short. The symptoms are briefly described below. 

  • Frequency: The need to urinate an abnormally large number of times per day (usually urinating once every hour or two hours). 
  • Urgency: A sudden and overwhelming urge to urinate. You may find yourself having to rush to the toilet immediately. 
  • Nocturia: Waking up one or more times to urinate during the night.  
  • Weak/slow urine stream: You may notice your urine stream is not as powerful as before.  
  • Intermittency: An intermittent urine stream. You may notice that your urine stream starts and stops. 
  • Straining: You may feel the need to strain during urination to start or maintain a good urine flow.
  • Emptying incompletely: After passing urine, you may have the sensation that there is still more urine to dispel. 
  • Terminal dribbling: You may experience or discover that urine leaks after you have finished urinating. This may present as stains in your underwear. 

A useful mnemonic to remember the above symptoms is FUN WISE(t).

It is important to note that not all men with prostate enlargement will have symptoms. It is possible to have all, some or none of the above symptoms. If you do experience symptoms, it is crucial to think about how these are affecting your life.

Where can I get more information about the prostate?

You can access more in-depth information about the prostate and associated conditions by visiting the following websites:

– NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prostate-problems/

– Prostate Cancer UK: https://prostatecanceruk.org/prostate-information

If you would like to discuss your concerns or find out more about the prostate including further medical tests and investigations, please do not hesitate to book an appointment with one of our Gogodoc GPs here

Diagram reference: 

Nerd, A., 2014. 32 Label Male Reproductive System Quiz. [online] Labels Database 2020. Available at: <https://otrasteel.blogspot.com/2014/04/32-label-male-reproductive-system-quiz.html> [Accessed 16 February 2021].

February 18, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

How can you manage anxiety?

A (non-exhaustive) list of strategies:

“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom” – Soren Kierkegaard

  1. Controlled diaphragmatic breathing 

As we discussed above, anxiety can show itself through physical symptoms and a major aspect of that is shortness of breath. It’s very common when someone becomes anxious for changes to occur in their breathing. They can begin to gulp air, thinking that they are going to suffocate, or can begin to breathe really quickly. This has the effect of making them feel dizzy and therefore more anxious. This is called over-breathing, or hyperventilation [1]. The first step in combating this is knowing that it happens. Next, knowing when it happens, you should mindfully slow down your breathing and use your stomach to do the workâ€Ķ imagine your abdomen as the pump and focus on pushing it. Take longer to breathe out than breathing in – say, breathe in for 4 seconds and breathe out for 5. A way to think about it is following a rectangle:

2. Exercise

Exercise is branded as the ‘wonder pill’, being the treatment for a wide range of ailments and rightly so! Not only can exercise reverse the potential physical complications of anxiety caused by a lack of physical activity, it can also help to alleviate anxiety. This makes sense when you think about it – it distracts your mind from external worries when all it is concerned about is keeping your heart pumping blood to your muscles and brain. Research shows aerobic exercise is especially helpful. A simple bike ride, dance class, or even a brisk walk can be a powerful tool for those suffering from chronic anxiety [2]. Why is this the case? It turns out physical activity physically changes your brain by increasing the availability of important anti-anxiety neurochemicals, including serotonin, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and endocannabinoids [3]. 

Exercise also works to calm the part of the brain intimately involved with fear, called the amygdala, by activating the ‘rational’ and more newly evolved area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex [4].

3. Use your five senses 

What are the five senses? These are the senses of smell, hearing, seeing, tasting and feeling. Using the five senses is a commonly used technique to trick the brain into a restful state [5] – away from the heightened sense of the surroundings and rushing thoughts. The “5-4-3-2-1” grounding method incorporates this and is simple [6]:

  • 5 things you can SEE: Your hands, the sky, a plant on your colleague’s desk
  • 4 things you can physically FEEL: Your feet on the ground, a ball, your friend’s hand
  • 3 things you can HEAR: The wind blowing, children’s laughter, your breath
  • 2 things you can SMELL: Fresh-cut grass, coffee, soap
  • 1 thing you can TASTE: A mint, gum, the fresh air

It works the same way mindfulness does, so if you’re looking for a similarly effective but easier to follow method then you might find this useful.


Anxiety is like fear, but it’s harder to understand and control when you’re not aware of how it works and some easy ways to calm it down. There are plenty of ways to address anxiety and the list above is not exhaustive by any means. 

It’s important to know that you’re not alone – 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England and 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England [7]

Ultimately, the best treatment is therapy from a healthcare professional in this field. If you feel like your anxiety is out of control and believe you need a referral to a therapist or psychiatrist, the easiest way to do this is to contact one of our GPs who can guide you to the best person for the job. 

To seek more help and advice please book an anxiety appointment with one of our GPs today.


[1] https://web.ntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp/leaflets/Anxiety.pdf

[2] https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-exercise-help-treat-anxiety-2019102418096 

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28319590/

[4] https://www.jneurosci.org/content/33/18/7770 

[5] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nicc.12198 

[6] https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/5-4-3-2-1-countdown-to-make-anxiety-blast-off 

[7] https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/statistics-and-facts-about-mental-health/how-common-are-mental-health-problems/

February 16, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments



Tiredness can be defined as a lack of energy, feeling weak, or being too tired to participate in family, work, or leisure activities.(1)

We all experience tiredness or fatigue from time to time, whether it’s from a long workday, a day full of chores or a day spent running after screaming toddlers. However, sometimes we may find ourselves feeling unusually tired for periods of time with no discernible cause. We may consequently struggle to concentrate on day-to-day activities, have a low mood and feel rather sleepy.

If you are experiencing unexplained tiredness, know that you are not alone. Feeling tired/run down is one of the top three reasons for seeing a GP, and around 80 to 85% of the time, the cause will become apparent to your GP by the end of the consultation.(2,3)

While tiredness is a common symptom of several medical conditions and some serious diseases, most of the time, the cause is easy to identify and manage. This article will briefly review some of the leading causes of tiredness, covering lifestyle, physical and psychological factors.


POOR SLEEP. Adults should be aiming to get at least 6 to 9 hours of sleep a day. Inadequate sleep will not only make you tired but can affect your ability to eat well and exercise, which can further perpetuate tiredness.

ALCOHOL. A high alcohol intake can upset sleep. Current guidelines recommended that adults adhere to no more than 14 units of alcohol a week.

CAFFEINE. While caffeine (commonly found in tea, coffee and energy drinks) can increase energy in the short term, a high caffeine intake can affect sleep and make you agitated as well as tired. You can try slowly decreasing the intake of caffeinated fluids or trying decaffeinated drinks.

Other lifestyle causes include skipping meals, a sedentary lifestyle and night shifts.


ANAEMIA. Anaemia is a condition where your body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body’s tissue, making you feel tired and weak. Your GP can check for anaemia with a routine blood test.

UNDERACTIVE THYROID (HYPOTHYROIDISM). An underactive thyroid is when thyroid hormone production is deficient in the body, which can cause you to feel tired, gain weight and feel depressed. Your GP may prescribe daily hormone tablets if you have an underactive thyroid. 

SLEEP APNOEA. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnoea which is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. Sleep apnoea may cause you to wake up several times during the night which severely impacts your sleep quality.

As tiredness is a non-specific symptom, there is a never-ending list of medical conditions resulting in tiredness. These include endocrine and metabolic causes such as pregnancy and diabetes; heart and lung conditions such as asthma and coronary heart disease and side effects of everyday medications such as antihypertensives.

To find out more about medical causes please speak to one of our GPs or visit our website www.gogodoc.com


STRESS. Long-term or chronic stress can affect us both physically and mentally. There are various strategies to help you deal with stress, including physical exercise, time-management techniques, and talking to family members, friends, or healthcare professionals.

DEPRESSION. Feeling depressed can lower your energy and reduce your sleep quality, making you feel tired. By speaking to your GP, you can discuss treatment options, including medication or talking therapies. To find more about depression and book an appointment visit our page: https://gogodoc.com/depression-gp-appointment/

ANXIETY. A common type of anxiety known as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is where you experience constant and uncontrollable anxiety, affecting your day-to-day activities. Find out more about anxiety here https://gogodoc.com/anxiety-gp-appointment/


There is no straightforward method to distinguish between normal and abnormal tiredness, and at times there may be multiple factors that contribute to feeling tired or fatigued. If you are experiencing an unusual amount of tiredness, please do not hesitate to contact one of our GPs. They will be more than happy to discuss your situation and provide guidance.


  1. Nicholson K, Stewart M, Thind A. Examining the symptom of fatigue in primary care: a comparative study using electronic medical records. JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN HEALTH INFORMATICS [Internet]. 2015;22(1). Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/jhi.v22i1.91
  2. McAteer A, Elliott AM, Hannaford PC. Ascertaining the size of the symptom iceberg in a UK-wide community-based survey. British Journal of General Practice [Internet]. 2011 Jan [cited 2021 Feb 8];61(582). Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21401979/
  3. Tired All The Time (TATT) – General Practice Notebook [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2021 Feb 8]. Available from: https://gpnotebook.com/simplepage.cfm?ID=x20190411125959960611

February 15, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

NHS/Gogodoc Vaccination Bus

This Saturday in South East London, on a cold February morning, a former TFL bus pulled up into the car park at the University of Greenwich. Unlike the usual red you would expect to see on a double decker bus, this bus was blue. Along the side and front of the bus were the words ‘NHS Covid- 19 Vaccination Service’; a mobile vaccination centre provided by Gogodoc with NHS partnership.

At Gogodoc, one of our key aims has always been about bringing healthcare closer to the patient. At a time when there were many apps coming onto the market to see doctors virtually, we started a service that aimed to visit you at home and bring the doctor to your door step, whether to your home or your workplace. As part of this plan, we invested in a bus which we converted into a modern mobile clinic space. The aim was to bring the bus to places of work or communities where we would be able to offer health checks and services such as flu vaccines right at the patient’s location. Sadly as with many aspects of life, Covid had ground our planned mobile bus services to a halt as we had to move towards virtual consultations. We at Gogodoc have been looking at ways we could support the Covid efforts. For example, in North West London we have been providing home visiting services in collaboration with the NHS hubs there.

When the UK vaccination programme was kicking off, I had a conversation with my NHS colleagues and the idea of using our bus to get the vaccines into parts of the community who did not have a vaccine site was sparked. As it happens, the CCG and Public Health in Greenwich were exploring ideas as well. Two weeks ago, I spoke with Public Health directly and offered the services of the Gogodoc bus. A fortnight saw an incredible feat of collaboration between Gogodoc, Greenwich Public Health, Greenwich Health Federation, Charlton Athletic Community Trust and Greenwich CCG as well as partners providing sites for the bus to visit at short notice. Two weeks from conception to delivery; a stressful yet rewarding project. As the AstraZeneca vaccine does not have the same limitations as the Pfizer vaccine in storage and delivery, use of the vaccine in a remote service is more realistic.

Added to this, remote working allows us to avoid patients travelling long distances, using public transport or mixing indoors for any length of time, particularly when it comes to the vulnerable population being targeted in the top priority groups. It was a special moment to arrive at the Covid Vaccination Bus and see patients queueing up and waiting to have their vaccines. Patients were brought in through the front door, administered the vaccine in the clinic space and then guided out through the back door. An efficient, convenient and safe way for patients to have their vaccines. A successful realisation of one of Gogodoc’s main aims to bring healthcare closer to our patients whether they are in the NHS or private sector.


January 29, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

Barium swallow and Barium meal

This is a type of x-ray test that helps to examine your throat, stomach esophagus and also the first part of your bowel.

To do a barium swallow, you swallow a chalky white substance known as barium. It’s often mixed with water to make a thick drink that looks like a milkshake. When it’s swallowed, this liquid coats the inside of your upper gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Some of the common problems that a barium swallow diagnose includes:

  • Inflammations
  • Blockages
  • Ulcers
  • Both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Muscle disorders that could lead to difficulty in swallowing or spasms

What does a barium swallow taste like?

The barium you swallow is artificially flavored and sweetened. However, many people report that it tastes bitter or chalky.

Side effects:

After having a barium swallow or meal:

  • You may feel bloated for a short while
  • Your stools (bowel movements) may appear grey or white for a day or two
  • You may feel constipated for a few days and need to take a mild laxative

‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with a GP.

  Book a video consultation today, and get expert advice!

January 27, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments


Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint that suddenly occurs.

Gouty arthritis is caused by the deposition of needle-like crystals of uric acid in a joint.

In the UK between one and two in every 100 people are affected by gout.


Some of its causes include;

  • Kidney problems
  • Having too much of alcohol
  • Obesity, high blood pressure/ diabetes
  • Having a close relative with gout
  • Eating foods that cause a build-up of uric acid, such as red meat, offal and seafood


Some of the symptoms of gout include:

  • The joint feeling hot and very tender
  • Red, shiny skin over the affected joint  
  • Severe pain in one or more joints
  • Swelling in and around the affected joint



Some of its treatments are;

  • Using ice packs, taking medications in order to relieve the symptoms during the pain.
  • By changing the lifestyle such as losing weight, changing your diet and taking medications that lowers uric acid levels can help prevent further attacks.


‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with a GP.

Book a video consultation today, and get expert advice!

January 26, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

Balloon Sinuplasty for chronic sinusitis

Sinusitis is swelling in your sinus that causes congestion and discomfort.


  • Allergies
  • Infections by bacteria, fungi or viruses
  • A deviated septum, meaning a crooked wall in between your nostrils
  • Small growths called polyps on the lining of your sinuses


The main goal of sinus surgery is to relieve your symptoms and cut down on how many infections you get. 

An operation should also help you breathe better through your nose. And if the chronic congestion has affected your sense of smell or taste, surgery might help with that, too.

Types of surgery


This is a common procedure. Doctors insert very thin and flexible instruments called endoscopes into your nose. One instrument has a small camera lens that sends images back to a screen. That way, the doctor can see where your sinuses are blocked and guide the other instruments that can gently remove polyps, scar tissue, and others.


Balloon sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a procedure to clear blocked sinuses. This is also known as balloon catheter dilation surgery.

Balloon sinuplasty is most recommended for people with chronic sinusitis, after other treatments for their condition have been ineffective. Its complications are minimal and there’s no cutting and no removal of bones or tissues.

But still, this is a type of sinus surgery and it carries the same kinds of risks that other types of sinus surgeries do.

Risks and complications

  • All forms of sinus surgery carry similar risks, and balloon sinuplasty is no exception. The greatest potential complication is intracranial complications. In these cases, the connection between the nose and the brain is affected during the surgery and brain fluid can leak into your nose. This complication doesn’t happen often and is usually fixed before the surgery is even over. 
  • There’s also a chance that the appearance of your nose could change slightly after the surgery. Sometimes the swelling doesn’t subside for several days, or the nose looks different once the swelling goes away.
  • If you aren’t able to cleanse the area correctly, an infection might develop that requires medical attention. And although most sinus surgery improves your sense of smell, there are times that the surgery actually makes it worse.

‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with a GP.

Book a video consultation today, and get expert advice!

January 25, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

Joint pain

This is a very common problem with many possible causes and this can be a result of arthritis or an injury.

In the UK, more than 10 million people have arthritis or other similar conditions that affect the joints.

There is no specific age for anyone to get affected with Arthritis.


  • Rheumatoid Arthritis– This starts in just one joint, with the pain coming and going
  • Reactive Arthritis– This affects the young adults after an infection develops. 
  • Psoriatic Arthritis– This affects the people with Psoriasis
  • A fracture– Broken leg, broken arm or wrist, broken ankle or hip fracture
  • Osgood-Schlatter’s disease- Swelling and tenderness over the bony bump just below the kneecap

In rare cases, the cause can be;

    • Septic Arthritis– A serious condition that causes a painful, hot and a swelling joint where you will not be able to move.


  • A tropical infection 
  • Cancer
  • Repeated dislocation of the joint
  • Crumbling of the bone


Hemophilia– An inherited illness that affects the blood’s ability to clot.


The symptom you experience may vary depending on the type you have.

  • Warm red skin over the affected joint
  • Weakness and muscle wasting
  • Restricted movement of the joints
  • Inflammation in and around the joints
  • Joint pain, tenderness and stiffness


There are many treatments that can lessen your pain.

  1. Osteoarthritis treatments- This includes lifestyle changes, medicines and surgery.
  2. Treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis- This helps in minimizing joint inflammation and helps in preventing joint damage. 
  3. Physiotherapy
  4. Surgery 
  5. Other medications.


‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with a GP. 

  Book a video consultation today, and get expert advice!

January 22, 2021 by Gogodoc Editor 0 Comments

Anti- wrinkle treatment by injection

Wrinkles are the lines that develop on your skin as you get older. Whether it’s frown lines or crow’s feet, getting wrinkles is normal and a natural part of aging. Wrinkles aren’t harmful and many people accept them as part of growing older. However, not everyone feels that way and many people explore treatment to help their skin look more youthful.

There are lots of different treatments for wrinkles. Examples include skin creams, chemical peels, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, derma filler injections and botulinum toxin.

Prevention of wrinkles

Wrinkles are part of the natural ageing process. You can’t really avoid them, but there are things you can do to try and minimize them.

Protect your skin from the sun

Wrinkles usually appear on your face, neck or the back of your hands. These areas are the most exposed to the sun and the UV radiation in sunlight damages the DNA in your skin cells. This causes your skin to age and become less elastic.

You can protect your skin from sun damage by:

  • Not spending too much time in the sun – stay out of the sun if you can between 11am and 3pm and seek shade when possible
  • Not using tanning beds or sun lamps
  • Putting on a high factor sunscreen (SPF 30), especially on your face and hands
  • Wearing a wide-brimmed hat to shade your face
  • Wearing sunglasses to help prevent crow’s feet

Botox Injection

This injection helps to relax the muscles in your face to smooth out lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown lines. This lasts for around 3-4 months.

When to avoid Botox?

  • If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you are taking certain medicines 
  • If you have skin infection

Risks of Botox

Some of the risks include;

  • Swelling, redness and bruising of the place where the needles went in the skin
  • A frozen look
  • Temporary weakness and droopiness in your face
  • Headache and flu-like symptoms for the first 24 hours

‘Ask Gogodoc About’ is an educational series providing information on various symptoms, pains, and disorders. (*intended for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms, please reach out to book an online GP consultation with a Gogodoc GP.) Talk to a doctor online at a time that suits you from home with a phone or video appointment. You can easily book an appointment with a GP.

Book a video consultation today, and get expert advice!